Justin did an awesome job at ICHTHUS. I am proud of his capabilities and what God has gifted him with. It was a cool experience to look in the crowd and see around 12000 people worshiping God together. The entire band did an incredible job. The sound was impeccable and the people were very responsive. There were a few rain showers, but people were prepared with ponchos and umbrellas in hand.
My parents traveled to see Justin play. This was their first gig they had ever been too. I was very happy to have them there.
It was really fun getting to participate in all the festivities. My friend Stephanie and her baby Reese came for the festival weekend and stayed with us. It was a lot of fun. We both realized that the ICHTHUS is not baby friendly. A future reminder – do not take your babies to the festival. It was way to loud and it can get pretty hot. Reese conquered through and we spent a lot of time just enjoying each other’s presence and not worrying so much about seeing all the bands.

My sister and her two boys also made an appearance on Friday to visit. It was her first time also coming to visit me. Yes a lot of firsts this past week. We did not go to the music festival, but just ate and went shopping. The boys were so good and I really loved having her here. I hope this happens more often.
Finally when everything was said and done Justin and I crashed. When we got home after church on Sunday we took a 3-hour nap and could not even focus the rest of the night due to complete exhaustion. Today is the first day I pretty much feel back to normal. Justin and I have been trying to catch up with the time we lost the past week. I’m pretty much inseparable from him. It is so hard to live in the same house but never see each other because of a busy schedule. This is something that will not become ritual. It’s a once a year thing.
1 comment:
Hey Erica, thanks again for the tickets. And I totally agree, Ichthus is not baby friendly. In Jordana's two short years, she has been to 3 Ichthus's, the first when she was only a few weeks old. Because of her precious baby ears and overprotective instincts, we didn't even make it past the food area that year! But thanks to your awesome kid ear plugs (which she actually liked wearing and kept in the entire time) we were able to see the Delirious farewell concert! So thanks again for the tics and plugs which allowed us to actually experience Ichthus this year!
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