Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dress in Blue Day!!!

March is the month for Colon Cancer Awareness. So save lives by promoting colon cancer awareness and by wearing Blue on March 6th!

I have been reading some on Colon Cancer and I wanted to share some information with you to aid in Colon Cancer awareness. According to the American Cancer Society, 1/3 of all cancer deaths this year will be related to lifestyle, including poor eating habits, inactivity, and obesity. We all want to live cancer-free, so what steps can you take to help yourself and your community?

First things first, so the most important thing to do is to be screened for colorectal cancer. You may be at risk if:
Risk factors include the following:
· Age 50 or older.
· A family history of cancer of the colon or rectum.
· A personal history of cancer of the colon, rectum, ovary, endometrium,breast.
· A history of polyps in the colon
· Certain hereditary conditions, such as familial adenomatous polyposis and hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC; Lynch Syndrome).

Diet and Exercise is the best defense against colon cancer. By modifying your diet and exercise may help decrease your risk of forming colon polyps and/or colon cancer. A diet rich in vegetables, fruit and fiber, and low in fat, may reduce the risk of developing colon cancer. Some suggest that getting an adequate supply of calcium (more than 1,250 mg a day) and folic acid (a B complex vitamin) decreases the risk of colon cancer. In addition to supplements, folic acid can be found in fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, dried beans and peas, folic acid-fortified enriched cereal grain products and breakfast cereals. Calcium can be found in dairy products, calcium-fortified products such as orange juice, soy and dark green vegetables

Regular exercise is important in preventing colon cancer. Experts say that vigorous exercise is not necessary. Instead, just incorporate more activity into your daily routine, such as taking the steps instead of the elevator or parking your car further from the building you're entering. Overall, the American Cancer Society recommends 30 minutes of physical activity at least five days per week and says that 45 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous activity five or more days a week may further reduce the risk of both breast and colon cancers.

Eat More Fruits & Vegetables
Eat five to nine servings every day. Although five sounds like a lot, the serving sizes are small, making this easy!
·One serving of fruit equals 1cup fresh fruit, 1 tennis ball sized fruit, ¼ cup dried fruit, ½ cup canned fruit or 4 ounces of 100% juice.
·One serving of vegetables equals ½ cup cooked, 1 cup raw or 6 ounces of 100% vegetable juice.
·Fruits and vegetables contain fiber along with many anti-cancer nutrients, so fill up!

Limit Fast Food
·If you can’t avoid fast food, make healthy choices when you go.
·Order a baked potato and salad, or vegetable soup with salad.
·Sub shops offer vegetarian sandwiches, so load up on the veggie toppings and low-fat condiments and enjoy!
·Pack your own lunch using one fruit, one vegetable, a whole grain and a low-fat protein to avoid grabbing something quick and unhealthy.
·Review online nutrition information for fast food chains, so you can make healthier choices. Aim to create a meal with no more than 500-600 calories, including your drink.

Use Meat Substitutes
·Replace meat at meals three or more times per week with another protein, such as dried, cooked beans or a soy food, such as tofu. Eat less beef, pork, and smoked, cured and processed meats such as luncheon/deli meats, jerky, sausage, bacon, ham, canned meat, Spamâ, pepperoni, and hot dogs.

Limit Alcohol
·Women should limit alcohol to one drink per day.
·Men should limit intake to no more than two drinks per day.
·One drink equals 12 ounces of beer, 1.5 ounces of liquor or 5 ounces of wine.

Choose Healthy Fats
·Eat more foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, trout, tuna, swordfish, flaxseed, canola and soybean oils, walnuts, and wheat germ.
·Limit shortening, margarine and “partially hydrogenated oils” in many processed foods.
·Read the ingredients on food labels to look for these bad fats. Bake, steam, broil or grill foods instead of frying.

Monitor Your Food Supply
·Choose whole, natural foods over processed food. Grow your own garden, when possible.
·Wash and scrub all produce under running water. Peel produce and discard outer leaves of leafy vegetables.
·Use home pesticides safely.
·Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. If you eat a particular food most days of the week, consider buying organic.

Much of the information is from and


YogaAndBirth said...

Also, processed meats like lunch meats and hot dogs contain trigycerides and other things that greatly increase your risk for colo-rectal cancer.

Unknown said...

Thanks for keeping us educated about these things!! So incredibly important to take care of ourselves so we can lead a more productive and full life here on Earth :)