I really can't believe it. I am finished with homework. Shew, what a relief. I am working independently as a dietitian for 2 weeks and then moving to Morehead for 4 weeks for my community rotation. The past 5 months I have been working at UK Hospital and have loved it. I have regained a bit of my confidence and I really enjoy the acuity level. It is a challenge and I am growing so much in knowledge. I'm glad I started my course at VA hospital and finished at UK. I would not want it any other way.
"What are your plans after this Internship?" is the question I have been asked multiple times. Honestly, all I want to say is REST. I'm exhausted, worn out, and want some break time of doing absolutely nothing work related. However, dietitian jobs are not often open in the Lexington area so I am currently, somewhat, job hunting. There are a few exciting positions open right now. I am going to apply with confidence, but if I do not get an offer, I can look on the positive side that I will have more time to rest. =)
Free Chipotle weekend with my sweet friends

I even got to go to my future sister-in-laws bridal shower in Indiana. =)

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