It has been a special week in the Rhorer household. My brother in law proposed to his lady on Wednesday, and I got to place a special part in it. It was her birthday too, so he had the day planned out. His plan actually makes me laugh because of the many unintentional connections. He planned for her birthday surprise per her requests. He took her to see the Proposal, to get her nails done, shopping, and to Joe B’s downtown for dinner. While at dinner, the mother in law and I, were at his lady’s apt creating candle art of Will You Marry Me. We lit the candles on his way there. So, because we have not mastered the skills of lighting tea light candles, we lit them too early. It all worked out, but when he arrived the smoke detector started going off. HILARIOUS! We were moving around trying to make everything PERFECT and I was so nervous and shaking, but we conquered, ran out of the house, and all else follows.

Woo Hoo! I’m so excited for Andrew and his lovely Bride to Be, Sheena. She’s a perfect fit for the family, and we are all so very happy to have her! It is now complete besides grandbabies. Those can wait for a little while longer though. No hurries.
How fun! The movie, nails...all perfect for a new ring!
aww.. how sweet!
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