Oh how I love my days off of work. It is a great time for me to get the house cleaned, laundry done, and extra time with Justin :) This week our Church is hosting an event called LexReach. LexReach is a part of Icthus where youth groups from different states come in early before the Festival and do service projects around Lexington. This year about 100 kids are staying at our church. The theme is Creation Care. Author of Serve God, Save the Planet, Matthew Sleeth and his family are the speakers and Justin is leading worship. I'm so excited the emphasis is on environmentalism. Over the past year God has been leading Justin and I to take steps in our lives to protect the Earth in whatever way we can. Both of us read Matthew Sleeth's book and were very encouraged to know we could do this. We now recycle anything we possibly can, take our own bags grocery shopping instead of using the plastic bags, and carpool to work. We are still learning ways to conserve energy and take care of the Earth. We are not perfect at it, but we are at least trying. :)
Car Pooling is so much more fun than being alone. I have been car pooling with a girl from work for a month now. We both love it and the drive to work is so much better!
Hi, my name is Dustin and I work with a Christian environmental organization called Christians in Conservation: A Rocha USA. I noticed that you mentioned Dr. Matthew Sleeth in your post, and I thought that you might like to know that our organization sponsors him as a "creation care evangelist." We would love for you to check us out at our website, en.arocha.org/usa. You might also be interested the website for Dr. Sleeth's book "Serve God, Save the Planet," which can be found at www.servegodsavetheplanet.org.
I actually was in Wilmore helping with the recycling at Ichthus, and I was invited to help out with LexReach also, but unfortunately my schedule did not work out. I hope that the event went well, though!
The Lexreach event went very well. It was better than expected!!! Thanks for the websites. I will for sure check them out!
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